So on Sat the 11th we went to Knotts Scary Farm!! I was not very excited seeing as how things such as this scare the shit out of me. But anyhow Tobias Kelly and Myself headed off to Knotts kinda early so i could take my time. I was having some intense contractions on Fri so we were praying that Sat was a bit better. We had dinner at a pre scare picnic hosted by the park and went in a half hour earlier than those who didn't attend.
Ok so we were inline to get in and I went to say something to Tobias and when I turned around I was greeted by the ugliest uuggghh I don't even know what to call him! I didn't scream (I think it was stuck) I just jumped and kinda snorted. Anyhow he stood there for a few minutes and of course the line didn't move while he was there, well he went to point at the kids that were right next to me and accidentally hit my cup and it scared the shit out of me..so now I was ready to go home, hell I will wait in the car. Ok so I get up the courage and ask if he was practicing and he actually stood there adn we had a conversation. That was probably the best thing that could have happened cause the rest of the night I was just fine and even laughed at a few. Tobias and Kelly went on a few rides and I sat at the exit waiting for them, and then we went through a few mazes. Overall I had a good time.
Around 1am I was so tired and was starting to have contractions again so we decided to call it a night and went home.
Overall I had a greattime and can't wait until next year when I can fully enjoy it without all of the bathroom breaks.